Still An Optimist Poem by Jim Yerman

Still An Optimist

Rating: 5.0

Even when an election doesn't go my way I consider myself an optimist
when all is said and done.
I believe most people would concede…optimism makes life a lot more fun.

I believe I was born an optimist,
it circulates through my blood
It helps me survive life's little adversities
and withstand it's terrors and floods.

It's not that bad things don't happen to me,
that my life is without catastrophes or strife
but my optimism reminds me I'm only having a bad day…
in what is a wonderful life.

I'm not disparaging pessimism…
our need for some pessimists is resolute.
for while optimism created the airplane…
without pessimism we'd have no parachute.

It was an optimist who created the pencil…
a now common, ubiquitous prop…
but it took the mind of a pessimist
to put an eraser on the top.

It's possible in the end pessimists may be correct,
but I refuse to take their side…
I gladly ride with optimism on my shoulders…
sit back…an enjoy the ride.

So I'll stick with my optimism.
I'll use it to help me waltz through all my pain.
I'll use it to weather any storms that may arrive.
I'll use it to dance out in the rain.

And when the world turns its darkest
and I'm feeling bruised and ministering to all my scars
I'll use my optimist to remind me it's only in darkness,
when I look up…that I can see the stars.

Cowboy Ron Williams 09 November 2022

I have noticed optimism in all of your poems, Jim. It's the best way to live!

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David Wood 09 November 2022

Lovely poem, particularly the third stanza. A good 5*

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