Stars In The Sky Poem by Randy Hogan

Randy Hogan

Randy Hogan

pænˈ dʒ iː ə Mountain Range

Stars In The Sky

Rating: 5.0

Looking to the heavens and wondering why.
Longing, yearning, and wondering why.
The heavens are so vast,
from a singularity with an infinite point of power and energy.
A seed of pure energy set forth by our god's loving hands.
He blew on it, and released life,
at speed of light.
For there was no gravity to hold it back.
Releasing all the force of life,
expanding, twirling, whirling, just trying to become one.
Hydrogen now has gravity for it to form.
Tighter and tighter until a star is born,
to kiss the darkness with light and life giving warmth.
But God is not done.
Pulling and tugging until two stars become one.
Expanding, exploding until all mass and matter is released.
The super nova, releasing moons, planets, and all of the Galaxy.
But, still they are one, for then the sun gives up its mass, energy, and the elements to start our new lives.
But they are not done.
Quasars, Blazars, black holes, and neutron stars
growing bigger and bigger,
until all forces are one singularity, an infinite point.
Then the chain starts over again.
So, when you look to the heavens and wonder why,
don't think of the very large.
For the heavens are really small,
for we all fit in the loving FATHER'S hands.


Just perfect Randy. We are all part of the vortex. It is the power of energy and so are we. Wondering is perfect for most humans to do. But the 3 wise men were not wondering..They knew the power of love! I loved it all. Karin Anderson

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Fiona Davidson 16 January 2009

This is a beautiful poem inspired by the beautiful diamonds in the skies...well written Randy...thank you...Fi

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this touched me! ! not only for the excellent way it was written, but more so for the meaning it holds.. thank you

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Reshma Ramesh 13 October 2008

wow......this is so thought out and well penned! !

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Randy Hogan

Randy Hogan

pænˈ dʒ iː ə Mountain Range
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