Stamp Poem by Alvinzor Flores


Suppose your Microsoft Excel workbook contains 10 worksheets, and you want to add a time and date stamp to each worksheet. You could manually enter a time and date formula into a cell in each worksheet, or you can create a named formula that can enter the current date and time without having to retype the formula.

To create the named formula, follow these steps:

Press [Ctrl][F3].
Enter DateStamp in the Names In Workbook text box.
In the Refers To text box, enter the following formula:
=TEXT(TODAY() , 'd-mmmm-yyyy') & ' ' & TEXT(NOW() , 'h: mm AM/PM')
Click the Add button and then click OK.
Now you can add a time and date stamp to every worksheet in your workbook by typing =DateStamp in any cell.

For example, if cell A2 contains 9: 00: 00 and cell B2 contains 17: 30: 00, the following formula returns 08: 30: 00 (a difference of eight hours and 30 minutes) :
Formula in Excel 2013
If the subtraction results in a negative value, however, it becomes an invalid time; Excel displays a series of hash marks (#######) because a time without a date has a date series number of 0. A negative time results in a negative series number, which is not permitted.
If the direction of the time difference doesn't matter, you can use the ABS function to return the absolute value of the difference:
ABS Formula in Excel 2013
This negative time problem often occurs when calculating an elapsed time - for example, calculating the number of hours worked given a start time and an end time. This presents no problem if the two times fall in the same day. But if the work shift spans midnight, the result is an negative time.
For example, you may start work at 08: 00 PM and end work at 5: 00 AM the next day. Using the ABS function (to calculate the absolute value) isn't an option in this case because it returns the wrong result (15 hours) . The following formula, however, does work:
=IF(B3<A3, B3+1, B3) -A3
IF Formula in Excel 2013
In fact, another formula (even simple) can do the job:

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: arthurian
Error Success