Split Uvula - Wrought Speech Defect Poem by Matthew Harris

Split Uvula - Wrought Speech Defect

Up until i entered six grade (at
Henry Kline elementary a one
classroom per grade -school)
classmates bullied, derided, and

feigned to hammer jabbing leering,
nasty ragout as a rule, which boy
hood self of mine availed perfect
bulls eye (scape goat)target

with combination of diminutiveness,
being painfully quiet, essentially
remaining mum the entire day
except when called upon to answer
question, thence utterance

emanating between lips produced
and emitted a strong nasal sound
to boot grist for mill sans malice
meted, mimicked, and mocked
mine warped congestion.

Ah, twas only by a fluke
conversation, whence a
speech pathologist informed
my parents about the Lancaster
cleft plate clinic, where oral

examination revealed minor
birth defect identified as a
sub-mucous cleft palate,
which explained the severe
pinched twang, somewhat

mitigated by wearing a re
movable prosthetic fastened
with clasps to upper teeth
whereby makeshift miniature
plastic protuberance closed

wind gap so air prevented
passing thru my button nose,
and thus gentle and soft as a
shutterfly shunted air out thee
oral opening.

Congenital quark disallowed
returning merchandise back
to sender nor could blame be
affixed at either father or mother
who harbored genetic mutation
now admissions aforementioned

impediment allows, enables and
provides boasting rights if in a
mood temper any curiosity or
satisfying a rumor whispered
down the ally oop, whence I
said "ah" left nagging nincompoops
as if pie hole filled with gob stopper.

Split Uvula - Wrought Speech Defect
Monday, October 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: wake up call,weakness,wolf,yearning,yin and yang,youth,zen,zombies
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