Splendour Of Full Moon Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Splendour Of Full Moon

Rating: 5.0

Full moon day has bright hope at night,
Grandeur is observed from deepest core,
Magnificent features are expressed in trees,
Breeze of calmness has given splendour.

Hiding in lap of autumn cloud moon smiles,
Opening face moon sees leaves of trees in love,
Inside darkness of night they are logging little,
Love ever attracts attention of every creature.

Deepest night has written fortune of brightness,
Moon has become calm and silvery in far sky,
Shyness is there but courage is painted in trust,
Green deep night of autumn is signalled again.

For drinking nectar of love and wisdom soon,
Longing is going on still now from far surface,
Silvery mood makes all calm in silence of night,
Light ever seen in diamond rays looks amazing.

© Kumarmani Mahakul,05 October 2017. All rights reserved.

Splendour Of Full Moon
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: autumn,nature,moon,night
Cover photo © Kumarmani Mahakul,05 October 2017. All rights reserved.
Isabel Pimentel 05 October 2020

Hey poet, I love moon. Wonderful full moon whispers at night. We feel dignity of its appearance. Fountain ripples in deepest night. This poem is very beautiful.

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Pushpendra Patel 01 March 2019

Now we get splendor of full moon from this poem. Greatest happiness we get remaining with God. We search for eternal happiness and we get this. God teaches us righteousness. Thank you very much for sharing this. You are a nice poet. This poem is excellent poem.

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Troy Cochran 06 October 2017

I've been looking up at the same moon these past few nights ~ sleeping under it, in fact ~ wondering what's really going on up there: I forget that others I'm coming to know around the world are looking up at the same orb with wonderings of their own. I will see it and wonder longer tonight. Thank you for sharing. And a great picture also: a luminescent pearl in the cosmic ocean. :)

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Jazib Kamalvi 06 October 2017

An attractive description of a great natural phenomenon. Thank you very much, sir.

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Muzahidul Reza 06 October 2017

Full moon day has bright hope at night, surely it does, thank for sharing

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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