Spirit Of Tomorrow Poem by JJ Evendon

Spirit Of Tomorrow

"Is anybody there? "
Nothing. Just silence, not even a mouse whisper.
"Is there anybody there? "
Again, silence. As silent as a spider's web.
"If there's somebody there, please give a sign"
Again total silence. Not even a beat of a beetle's heart.
Then, ever so softly, a shuffling sound is heard.
"Is somebody there? " speaks a voice cutting the silence.
The air becoming stuffy.
I feel a presence.
There it is again. Just audible
quieter than a patter of mice.
"Is somebody there? " the voice stealing the silence.
"I am a friend" I reply.
"Who are you? " says the man.
"I am the spirit of tomorrow" I reply, "come to take you to a place of souls"
"You say you are the spirit of tomorrow - then why are you here today? "
"Life is unpredictable" I respond.
You never know when or where it will end.
For when that moment arrives, the past is your future.
Take what is today for there may be no coming of tomorrow.
Enjoy what you've been given - even if all appears insurmountable.
Reward your soul for it is this gift that life has given you".
As dawn brightens, I see myself slowly fade away
leaving him to evaluate what his future life holds.

Spirit Of Tomorrow
Monday, March 21, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: spiritual
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