Space Is Not Limit! Poem by Ramesh T A

Space Is Not Limit!

Rating: 5.0

Even if blocked or locked, my urge to write Poetry cannot be stopped any power;
It's a natural expression of heart as powerful as love that can sway any heart;
This is an art of life that makes one known to the world who one is by one's act;
Nothing can stop the free flowing river till it becomes one with the ocean at the end!

Main Poetry websites are the original provider of great platform to expose oneself to world;
That is more than enough for one to show one's skill for the well being of humanity ever;
It is like the bird flies of its own accord sans anyone's support to enjoy life in freedom;
One's freedom is one's birth right no one can snatch it away by any blockade ever!

I have ventured on my own expressing great ideas in thousands of Poems fine ever;
This journey will not have an end as it is done flying high and long in Space sure;
There is Universe and Nature to fly long and dwell deep to acquire treasures to all;
What I have done is just only a handful of things only, what I have to do is like Space!

Space is not limit for me as Poet in the world, but more than that if possible in this life;
This insatiable desire to excel all limits is the privilege of a great Poet ever anywhere!

There is no limit for a Poet to do his job he only knnows!

Poetry is the natural expression of our heart. Nothing can stop the urge to compose poems, when we have the right heart endowed with the requisite talent.

1 0 Reply
Ramesh T A 08 April 2022

Yes, that is cent percent correct, friend! thanks a lot!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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