Something Told The Wild Geese Poem by Rachel Lyman Field

Rachel Lyman Field

Rachel Lyman Field

the United States
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Rachel Lyman Field
the United States
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Something Told The Wild Geese

Rating: 5.0

Something told the wild geese
It was time to go;
Though the fields lay golden
Something whispered, - 'snow'.
Leaves were green and stirring,
Berries, luster-glossed,
But beneath warm feathers
Something cautioned, - 'frost'.

All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spice,
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.

Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly -
Summer sun was on their wings,
Winter in their cry.

Sheila Beers 05 September 2014

The poem is about the order in nature. It also is about the instinct of the geese that prompts them to migrate south before the coming of winter.

13 8 Reply
Sheila Beers 05 September 2014

The poem is about the order in nature. It also is about the instinct that prompts the geese to migrate south before the cold winter sets in.

11 8 Reply
Stewart Francis 28 November 2015

I loved this poem as soon as I recently came across it. It is simple but is deceptively, as it is constructed in a masterly well. the Snow/Frost/Ice refrain is so good. Stanza 3 is full of bright imagery. Look too at 's' sounds that link with 'ice', and the 'steamed', 'stiffened' repetition.

9 6 Reply
Joan Apple 17 November 2015

I have loved this poem since my childhood. I think if it nearly every time I see and hear wild geese as they make their way across the autumn sky.

7 5 Reply
Geetika 23 January 2018

I like the poem.

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vi 12 April 2021


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Pamela 14 October 2020

This has been one of my favourite poems since I first learned it in Grade 3.

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Roshni 03 January 2019

Nice I like this poem

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Carol 11 November 2018

What an absolutely beautiful, touching poem! I've loved it since I first read it many years ago when I was searching for a poem to share with my fourth graders about Fall. It tapped into deep feelings that I have about the Fall season. Whenever I see a flock of geese in the Fall skyI recite the poem to myself and marvel at how perfectly God has made the universe! Thank you Rachel Lyman Field for creating this poem that touches hearts so deeply.

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Maryann 27 October 2018

This poem has touched me since the very first time I read it. The imagery is so poignant and evokes a nostalgic emotion in me that is strong and delightful. Whenever in Autumn I see a flock of geese in the sky this poem comes to mind and fills me with awe! How do they know it is time to fly? Nature is so amazing and puzzling! I hope someday God will explain it all to me! In the meantime I am so grateful to Rachel Field for her beautiful thoughts and words! I

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Rachel Lyman Field

Rachel Lyman Field

the United States
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Rachel Lyman Field
the United States
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