Solaris Corrected Poem by Øyvind Rimbereid

Solaris Corrected

Wat vuld aye become
if you kuld kreip from
dein vorld to uss?
SHAMEFUL, aye think ven
you kommen vid yor imago
ovfr our tiim, tecn., airlife,
all yor apocalyptsen
mare. OR yor beauty draumen!
NAY we are. NAY yor ideo! DER
aye live, in 14.6, wi work
onli vid our nanofingeren
dei are our total novledg, we work
so litl, 30 minuten a day. Aye look at
meiner fingren, part af organic 14.6
but veik dei are as seagrass . . .
SO kuld aye beg yor vorld
beginning, starten uss
up again? Kuld it!
SHAMEFUL aye are. SO
vuld you become
if we kuld kreip from
uss to you?

(. . .)

BUT ven meiner simpl robots
work on pipe-
systm undr sea, ofts at night
undr moon clear: DEI are total free!
CAN robots be free?
YES, they can.
VEN dei repairat ein problem deep in sludge haf,
nearly ein impossibl problem,
and aye kontrollen dei back to quay
and aye seer dei, square and sludged up af seaen
THEN dei lucki are!
ONLI, dei know it not . . .
Dei know not wat dei haf in vorlden done,
'cos all intern onli in dei are.
But aye know
AND deirs secret luck shyns in me!

(. . .)

SOMTIIMS ven aye nay sleepdraumen kan
aye draumen ein simpl, silly draum.
SO it is: AYE imago mein self
living inside ein astroide
vid hundred odder humans,
travelling away from Systm Sol,
nay more moons
FOR all tiim
onli travelling out.
VULD the lonliness
in uss den disappear?
NAY point to reach out to,
nay point to go back to.
NAY longing anymore.
AS gods vuld we den live,
the draumening af all
crying ovfr nay.


KOMMEN you vid me?

(. . .)

KAN remember:
THAT someone carried me ovfr shoulder,
perhaps father
halft asleep, halft awake
bore me thru tall, swaiing grass
early morning wide white light
and mein arms hung down,
so noticeably heavy
as if grass tugged at dem,
lunged at me, as if all grass would down
me take, have me, steal me
so heavy, so heavy aye was
and aye kuld trust the grass
as aye kuld trust the shoulder
as aye kuld trust all heaviness
and ein old, yellow house stood there up ahead
between trees, a house
vid the warm milk in a glass for me.

(. . .)

Tomorrow, aye think,
go to mother's earth place,
to mother in the well af soil,
in the soilwell af soilwell.

(. . .)

FISH svummen in taite schools.
DEI svummen vidout anyone
to leda dei.
AND despyt, so logical
dei svummen, ovfr all the globalen seaen,
fish glistening away, vid der
speedy bodies, onli
ein singl body against odder singl body
dis simpl touch,
kan tell wer dei kollectiven must fare
for deir life possibl still kuld be.
GLISTENING in green, blue an red.
GLISTENING, ein place between seagrass
an sun.

Translation: May-Brit Akerholt

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