So This Shall Be Remembered Poem by Taija Nichole Hoover

So This Shall Be Remembered

Rating: 4.0

So this shall be remembered
Just like all the times before
I have found my heart and soul
Could I ask for more
So many life times we have seen
So many tourtured souls
All the lives given
So that we may have the chance to grow old

How many times have I said these words
Whispered in the breeze
We have made Gods jealous and we have seen Angels weep
All of mankind has seen us as one
And I pray to the Heavens that my soul you will keep

We have seen many battles, and many a men fall
But it is our hearts battle that is the greatest of all
To surrender to failure will never be my way
To surrender my love to you will always be forever
But as for tonight as I listen to sleep
My heart pounds in my chest
For the longing for you I do keep

You are the Knight in my dreams keep
You are the kiss that woke me from my hudered year sleep
You are the breath that keeps my soul alive
For without you my soul would surely die

Taija Nichole Hoover

Taija Nichole Hoover

Tampa Bay, Florida - currently in Michigan
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