So Close To You Poem by kawambee thomas

So Close To You

What keeps me so close to you?
Is it the endless rain drops?
Or my falsetto of echoes whispering continuously
Caressing your ear drums
Or is it the sunset reflecting emulously across the ocean
Displaying all facets of your beauty
I begin to stare so intensely
That everything around us becomes silent
As if the world never existed
And we were Adam and Eve
Rewriting every biblical scripture creating our own heaven
But what keeps me so close to you?

Could it be your presence?
That keeps my mind levitating
Soaring through the sky
Feeling free
Being that eagle spreading it’s wings
Or is it that quiet time
When we never say a word
But can feel every emotion
Like a mother just giving birth
Unequivocally never questioning
But knowing were made for each other
But what keeps me so close to you?

Well here’s my answer!

There is no measurable depth I wouldn’t go to see you
No ocean I wouldn’t swim to save you
No pain I wouldn’t withstand just to embrace you
No land I wouldn’t navigate to be with you
Being away from you is like never being in existence
Only a thought!

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