Simply Everyone’s Writing A Book! Poem by Peter Wyllie

Simply Everyone’s Writing A Book!

Simply everyone’s writing a book
Indeed, it is what I must do.
I am not as good as I should be it’s true,
My plot hasn’t thickened; and I’m in a stew
I just haven’t got what it took
When everyone’s writing a book.

Yes, everyone’s writing a book
And really it’s easy to see
That everyone else has more talent than me
Theirs are so well constructed but mine’s just debris;
A pile of rubbish and muck
Yes, everyone’s writing a book.

Oh everyone’s writing a book
The subjects are highly diverse.
I can’t think of a thing, and to make matters worse
They tell me that publishers aren’t doing verse.
I’ll become a celebrity cook;
Even they have been writing a book!

My dear, everyone’s writing a book
They’re releasing the novel within.
My tale about MP’s is tossed in the bin,
Along with the one about marital sin.
I’m left with just taking Pot Luck
As everyone’s writing a book.

Oh but everyone’s writing a book
They tell me it’s now all the rage
With publishers desperate to fill up the page
The demand is so great you can never assuage
The hunger they have. Oh but look...
Everyone’s writing a book!

Now everyone’s writing a book
You’d imagine there’s none left to write.
But still they keep coming as fancy takes flight
More books every week than the stars of the night
There’s even another from Archer, the crook!
Yes, everyone’s writing a book.

Simply everyone’s writing a book
And so what is a scribbler to do?
I have to keep writing, believing it’s true
That perhaps I’ll get noticed as one of the few
That a publisher may have mistook
For the person whose writing
Is just so inviting
Whose novel is biting
With plot so exciting
To get them all fighting
The readers delighting...
For now I am writing my book!
YES! Everyone’s writing a book.

© Peter Wyllie – November 2006 / 2010

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