She Said To Me, 'I Wished I Were Dead'.I Said In Reply-'I Wished It Were Me Instead'. Poem by Michael Gale

She Said To Me, 'I Wished I Were Dead'.I Said In Reply-'I Wished It Were Me Instead'.

Rating: 5.0

As i sit here and listen to a wife who ruins my life...
On many an occasion i have heard her say that 'she wished she were dead'.
I on the other hand, wish that i was dead instead...
I wish that i never ever have to hear these nagging words'We can't get along'.
That would be a nice title of a 'song of break up of the heart'...
'We can't get along' song.
What a wonderful song...
'We can't get along'.
Now, is this fact, or is it wrong? ...
My wife and i fight like cats and dogs.
Same old, same old, silly love not silly of songs...
Not a day goes by that my heart seems to suffer with aches and breaks.
She is choking away my quest for life...
Why not, after all-She is my darling, giving, smart-assed wife.

Francesca Johnson 11 August 2006

This marriage sounds familiar. Not mine but of two members of my family. I often wonder why people stay in these sorts of marriages. Maybe, as Patricia says, they enjoy the cat fights! But surely it must feel claustrophobic and suffocating? And a living death? Or is it misplaced loyalty? I found the last line of the poem revealing, in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way. Love, Fran xx

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Duncan Wyllie 03 August 2006

This is quite a predicament to say the least, I hope that you can find peace in all this, somehow, somewhere, and with no pain to get there Love duncan X

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Patricia Gale 03 August 2006

My X used to say sweet death can not come to soon, so after contemplating I decide his death should be... replaced with Funny though he still is trying, guess he misses the cat Thanks for the reminder, I did enjoy this read.

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Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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