Sham Poem by Firestar Christopoulos


Love between friends is nothing but a game with strings attached to it.
Why does our heart desire the one thing that will end up destroying our hearts?

Marriage without love is like tidal wave lurking in the shadow beneath the bowels of pity greedy.
Why do allow our minds, bodies and souls tingle each time a sweet scent of lust come flowing upon us?

Love is for fools and idiots, so I refuse to let him lingering any longer within my dreams or waking moments.
Why must always be stressing over him, when its clear I am the last person he wants to reach out too?

Sham are his emails and phone calls to me with bitter sweet tempting words of something isn’t there for me.
Why did I ever reach out to his bewitching essence, when he is nothing but liar and dangerous entity out to shatter my heart and soul forever into pieces?

No more will he be the reason I wish to embrace his forbidden touch upon my flesh.
Its now fading away, so I can be free from false God image.

Lies and twisted betrayal is all he has to offer any woman upon this world.
All his words to me are now nothing but fading storm clouds surround me no more.

Once I believed every single thing he spoke to me.
Sham is what Theo has offer any woman.
Why do so many taste his endless lying as temptation as golden nectar from a heavenly god?

The darkness loom over my life is now being erase of me truly opening my eyes to see…
Sham was his words that hold no reality or truth within them.
Forever I see now, he was just wicked demon, I had to break free from.

Freedom is mine, but for him, darkness will always embrace him.
Sham is now his howling dreams of freedom.
Why must I write such harsh words about a man that stole my heart and soul, even invaded my dreams of wickedness?

It was because I came around to reality see.
Sham is my shame for daring to love him or want him.
Not the sham of his tight grip upon me release me to see I was not the darkness out to destroy his life and career like his manager told me.

I see now all long it was his so-called friends, who allow and dragged him into the darkness of cocaine.
Sham was those so-called friends, who truly wasn’t friends at all.
Now, he is lost because of his choices of friends, parties and high profile life that ended up in prison.

Sham of my desire for him forever lingering within the trembling winds of life.
Sham has now become everything to me.
Sham for believing my love could had saved him from this darkness upon his life.

I can no longer feel or reach out into life.
Sham now holds me like lover.
I weep my sorrow like a storm upon life.

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