Morbid Beauty Poem by Firestar Christopoulos

Morbid Beauty

Theo is hooked upon morbid beauty.
It is all he wants and longs for.
Why can’t Theo let morbid beauty go free, so I may love him in ways that this morbid beauty can not love him?
Morbid beauty is addicting him to something he will never be free from.
Can I save Theo?
My heart and soul loves him enough to fight for him.
Theo sit staring at the glass and razor upon the coffee table, he has to taste her fatal beauty one more time.
The sinister charm of morbid beauty calls to Theo.
Morbid Beauty is stealing his heart and soul from me.
Morbid Beauty is wicked and misleading Theo in places that holds untold dangers for him.
My heart and soul is strong and true, I walk into the darkness to battle with Morbid Beauty.
I will not let this wicked thing steal Theo away from me.
Theo begins to taste her evil like sweet honey from heaven, but refuses to see her hidden truth before its too late.
Morbid beauty is taking my sweet Theo upon one way trip into hell.
Morbid beauty is enemy of mine, her sweet taste and hypnotic charms is taking my sweet Theo farther away from my reach.
I will not lose him to morbid beauty; her whiteness of pureness will not keep me from saving him.
I hear Theo’s stirring lostness his tone of words to me.
I feel his heart flutter like wings of death to her fatal charm.
Tears fall to my pain for him need for morbid beauty more than me.
How can this be happening to Theo?
What caused him to turn to morbid beauty?
Can he not see I am here for him?
Does Theo not see morbid beauty his enemy that is making him a falling victim to
I look within the mirror; I see who I must become to save him.
I smile and ripe off my human form.
I stand with golden halo and wings of divine power.
I will be heroine in his lost dreams coming to rescue him from morbid beauty.
No longer will morbid beauty steal him away from me.
My blue eyes will cry and cry, until I wash this white powder away from his life.
I will wrap my wings around his body to keep him safely away from her reach.
No more will he have the need to taste morbid beauty any more.
No longer will my sweet Theo be caught up in morbid beauty web of deception.
I will have killed morbid beauty, where I can release him from her evil bond upon his body, heart and soul forever to see me as the only one he would ever need beside him.

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