Search Of Friend... Poem by Innocent Angel

Search Of Friend...

I was in search of a friend, of a friend that would be more than a friend. I didn’t want to be stuck inside a dark hole; all I wanted was love from a true soul. I sat so lonely in a corner for my life so far. Now I want my feet to move and show others what I can do. I know my eyes have cried tears, but no one was there to help me with my fears. Now that my heart has learned. Life will only succeed if I try. I look for friends, others who care. I want to be with you; I want to live a life. This corner has taught me enough, now I want to live without the darkness and show others I want lightness. Hatred has shown me enough, now I want to show others love. I have suffered a lot, but I always thought it was love. This was the only love I could have got, and that’s what I thought. Now nothing is left the same, everything has changed. I understand what love can be, you have shown me the real feeling. This shell will break and there will be a new me. A one that’s not lonely no more, and has a heart by its side.

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