Reverie Poem by shaina quereshi


Eyes closed,
Lying asleep.
Dreams and visions...
Filled with nostalgic memories.

A small hug,
A sweet kiss.
Gentle whispers,
Understood with impeccable ease.
Like a jigsaw,
Some peple fit.
Hardly they fight,
Never they leave.

Old memories well out as tears...
Painful slumber still stayed unfamished!

Hand in hand,
They sit.
The name-Lovebirds,
So suitably befits.
Phones busy for hours,
At night together they counted the stars.
Long letters they exchanged,
Pointless gossip,
Banter and chatter filled.
The intimate emotions remained untold,
Those unspoken words were just felt.
Love grew deeper,
They drifted closer...

A glass breaks...
A swift cold breeze...
Eyes open,
Blank stares...
Slumber has vanished.

She turned her side again...
Hours went by....
Blank stares which they seemed,
Were the moments of reliving the happier memories.

A tear slipped out.
There was no sound.
Emotions were jerked out loud.
The silence turns into wails.
For months she has waited,
But there have been no mails.

She was forgotten.
A sweet relationship was broken.
Life moved on without this victim.
No one had waited for her to recover.
The wounds in her heart,
Freshen up with every passing memory...
Everyday there is a new reverie...

With bated breath she waits,
For him to return.
She wants to love.
She wants to be loved.
She lost her soulmate to this world,
Emotions, to the whirlwind of life...

A patient wait....
For a long time...
She clings to their sweeter memories.

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