Return To Me, My Love Poem by Kimberly Hope

Return To Me, My Love

I walk the streets as a lonely man, and wonder how people who have been given everything can treat their world so cold.Let all your sorrows, and all your pains be lifted. I am here for you now my dearest one; I shall never leave you again. Not even the Gods of the earth can tear us apart now. I promise I will never leave you again. We are forever together. Our love is a bond of steel that keeps us connected even in our worst times. You are forever mine. It stands over there wit him as I walk on by..he begs me to come back, to die for him so that we may be together forever..but I can't bear it...he is my only love, and I don't want to pain him anymore. I know I should stay here where I belong. Why I stay I am uncertain of, but I know I do not like it here. It pains me to watch him leave once more, but I feel it is the best thing for him. I must let him go, go to live a happier life on his own. To restore his power I have taken, and to blood a new mate.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and pain
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