Retirement Rendezvous Poem by Sylvia Chidi

Retirement Rendezvous

Rating: 4.5

Retirement rendezvous
There is a member who is new
Who requires some type of rescue!
Looking back at life’s preview

He has had his kids
Been wise and stupid
Smoked enough weed
Aging exhibits on both eyelids

Retirement rendezvous
No more young dreams to pursue

A time he was young with hope
Goals matured and developed
But time took away that potential scope

Retirement rendezvous
Old age has at last struck for true

Retirement rendezvous
Today he joins the old pensioners’ crew

Stuck in his fresh basement
He scorns retirement at its commencement
With continuous utter resentment
Thinking it is a washed up experiment

Retirement rendezvous
Today, old age seems to be of no value

Retirement rendezvous
A new life and a new official venue

Retirement rendezvous
Some meet at the post office queue
Others meet at the bookies avenue
Leaving only when the night is due

The alarm clock has ceased ringing
The ladies have stopped singing
The bread winner is no longer bringing
To him nothing anymore is inspiring!

Retirement rendezvous
Why is life such a screw?

Retirement rendezvous
Is this a new life for true?

Retirement rendezvous
His thoughts he has to subdue
For him life still continues
Forthwith he looks at life with a new view!


Ashley Stone 15 May 2007

Good, funny and inspiring

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Ashley Stone 15 May 2007

Good poem, insipiring.

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Derrick Clark 03 May 2007

that was a good poem, keep it up.

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