Reach Us Back Safe And In Tact Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

Reach Us Back Safe And In Tact

Nice to know you will be back

It did not strike me
When you left
That there would be a vacuum around

I did not mark earlier
That you were filling up
Lot many things in our life

And I do not know
Whether such a gap and shallowness
Would be created
If I happen to leave

When you are nearby
Your worth goes unnoticed
And when you are not there

It did not take much time
For me to realize that
Everything around me
Was only you
And as you leave
Everything disappears

It was much longer
Than what time units say
And it was really tough and testing
For me to manage and
Live with your absence

How nice to know
You will soon be back

It has already started
Showing up that
You are there
With everything around
Brightening up and waiting for
Your magic touch which
Helps them glitter

Winds cooled down to greet you
On your arrival
Sun is less harsh
Clear night sky
Holds a bright moon
That spews additional chillness
To the already cool night
And the brightest Mars
Shining located very close to the moon

The problem with me, indeed, is
The discomfort of your absence
Has swelled and become less tolerable
As that discomfort
Will soon get eased

As wisdom says
A nearing comfort
Makes an existing discomfort
Highly intolerable

Everyone and everything here
Await your arrival

Reach us back
Safe and in tact

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