Randy Raw Rascal, Thrice A Rat Poem by christopher veremu

Randy Raw Rascal, Thrice A Rat

To maids he was right crafted fine and dandy
Throngs agreed as one he was much world savvy
He was to all across lands of worhip worthy
Queens on all fours to him crawled soils dirty
Ladies new some aged swore was here macho candy
Blind to reason all failed see refused discern
Was here sewer rat feeding passions rather randy
Was this not all they were hard schooled to hate
Rustily rough-edged raw-wrong wildly unmannered
Soulful in praise did they many a hot roof raise
Bowing down prayerful as one they dutifully knelt
In ladies' dreams ruled he tearful nights endless
Deflowering many a lass none would he of duty wed
From coast to wet coast left he bloodied sore trail
Only wind swept prints of cold broken hearts remain
Making bold dare mocking love's eyes tear strained
Nothing would wash clean need's ugly dream stain
Priced balm failed soft heal broken souls' sprain
Demanding love high price pay coined in edged pain
Shook core of maids with just but one glance stray
Angels flew above his shadow carefree lighting same
His mere touch melted inner centre of cold virgins
Time wizened matrons they too fell under his spell
Queens lying belly up he pitilessly left in his wake
Passions much engorged roared hot endless ceaseless
Hoards hot followed him everywhere much more nowhere
In busy paths they laid hard traps and saucy snares
Fierce cravings enveloped all for high prized snatch
Sorcerers shocked on floor found rather broken end
Oil slick was he giant silppery eel at its wet best
Here and everywhere was ladies' magical dream magnet
Held sole rights to all their desires' mad cravings
Bludgeon stolen hearts did this rotten ratty rascal
Gave love known in honeyed poetry a cheap ugly name
Day lady justice brings out her scales well rehearsed
Set free bottled vengeance with zestful hearty relish
Lord lend new grease this holiest of days ladies pray

This tells the story of a man who is careless with the feelings of women who love him and is so conceited that he does not care about ruining their reputations..
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