Quixote Poem by Leon Jaime Villegas


Rating: 4.5

From The Mancha originated a such Quixote
A chimerical knight Cervantes created.
Mythical warriors of doubted ancestry,
Clouded precedents,
Again and again fought with disdain.
Upon them stumbled,
Ambushed found them.
Entrapped by most stubborn thoughts,
Restless, sleepless.
Regularly disturbed passed his days.
As reminicences of dreamy fights,
In nightmarish incessant nights,
Wars he never won.
His illusions defeated,
Under hands of warlords whose weapons raised,
Attacked fiercely, charged fearless and steady.
As thin smoke vanished,
In the nocturne of night,
The landscape traversed,
through penumbra of somber foggy nights.
On the road as companion,
tagged along a bellied assistant.
Firmed on reason but perplexed however. He knew
his beloved friend,
had gone very very insane.
His imagination his snare,
fancied conflicts a penchant for.
Numerous recreated in a mind
lacking sense and gone mad.
Upon his feeble mount rode, this proud cavalier,
a sweet steed lined to its ribbed bones, ready as ever.
With its bewildered knight,
charged so ferocious battles together.
Blinded attacked by obssession
huge windmills nonstop.
His enemies.
To these imaginary foes many brawls gone lost.
Dinner's served to a hollowed head, mortified by painful memories.
Humankind had recreated in their minds, woes.
Imagined nonexistent in warfares,
never conquered.
There on top of emaciated quadrupeds,
asinine reasoning comes round and wither.
Impossible dreams come on the surface,
then realized never.
Pushing nightmares on innocents,
not what Don Quijote nested in heart.
Pressed on, wrestled with habitual thoughts,
Interminably ever on the move.
Always the tallest and proud,
set forth a fiery struggle on the
combat ground.
Staunch his fears captured,
never conquer a demurred obssesive mind.
Don Quijote in a way we all are,
pushed forward with all fobias encountered.
In the next engagement with life wished us a winner.
With steel gonads armed valiant become.
Must prevail anyhow overcome.
Part Don Quijote, part,
but full of tenacity.
With ever menacing thoughts deal, linger, and
though appear uncalled for.
Keep finding their way back in our minds.
Further from dominion pulled back, us grip.
Uncontrolled emotions hold prey of
weakened minds from fighting back,
as stark maddened Quixotes.

Copyrights Leon Jaime Villegas
October 6,2010

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