Quest For Survival Poem by isaac taiwo afuye

Quest For Survival

what is going to be...
is going to be.
what goes up...
must come down.
todays infection...
can disease our tommorow.
exemplary words in quest.

east evading sun...
can never be.
sun eveding mun...
can never give light.
no east without west...
light can never shine without existing darkness
what must rest on the wall...
all must tougch the ground
existing word of asssurance

what must come...
must be immaginaive,
and must be out of existence...
and shall go out of existence.
all that gliters must tarnish...
and all that tanishes must ones gliter
words of endavour.

what can be without a source?
is what is done before the source,
what can be before the source?
is from the old,
what has been from the old?
is what is endowed in the past,
what is done before the source from the old in the past is from a source.

no demolition without ammunition...
ammunition without observation can never be.
all observation results from learning
and no cause for learning without knowledge.
all creation comes through knowledge...
demolition exist through creration
all creativity from knowledge are demolished with knowledge

what you say...
is what you be
what makes you...
is our mind
what is in your mind...
is what you think
what you think...
is what you dream
what you dream...
is what comes real
and what is real...
is your future

survivour suvives...
in the quest for survival.
arrival of survivour
in the quest for survival
inbue him.
the foreknowledge of the survival causes inbroglio
knowing that death is a succession for survivals.

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