Prologue Open-Ended Artistic Creativity™ Poem by Singleton M. Tate

Prologue Open-Ended Artistic Creativity™

Welcome to my humble abode, as it is my pleasure to acquaint you with a new way of expressing the Soul's Melodies! Enter into my realm of 'Open-Ended Artistic Creativity'™ So you're asking, what is Open-Ended Artistic Creativity™? Oh, it's a style that God created within me.

It 's the way that I am profoundly so far from anything that tries to restrict me inside of normalcy's domain. It's being an 'Innovator.' It's just a carefree, unshackled, limitless flow of insightful and masterfully created 'Poetic Gems.' Renown rhythms, the tones that connect us all together.

You are a honored guest, privy to the depths of my many thoughts, aspirations, dreams, gifts, journeys and ultimate destination. Yes, some melodies will force you to deal with the real. It is not easy to travel the road less known, as I place my strengths in my God and Him alone. There is not much praise from many who will never take the time to understand your voice.

I am grateful that you have decided to take a chance on thinking outside of the prevailing box or should I say prison of 'Normality.' It is not at all a bad thing, its just not for me. You are to be commended for this daring feat.

I write from Divine Inspiration. Of myself, I am empty and void of any true knowledge. I drift towards the shores of the 'Infinite One.' I strive to attain God's treasures of hidden knowledge and everlasting wisdom. It looks so different and changes all the time, that being the works that I have been privileged to receive from Him. My ears hear the cries of hearts and souls. I am one of them and I am striving to be a Light in this dark, painful world. Let something you have read in this book, move you into 'His Divine Purpose' for you.

It's not often that most find out what their destiny is. I want you all to know that each and everyone born on this earth has the 'Greatness' of 'The Great I AM' within them. There is no question about that, as we were all created in His image. Finding and cultivating that greatness, now that is the prized revelation all must claim and only with the help of God through Christ Jesus can that be attained.

So here I am writing to encourage you in the wonder of what God has placed within you. Don't ever give up on searching to find His Truth. Let those diamonds radiant from you. It's past the time to unlock that rusty safe. It will resonate with the link to your predestination. If you accept it your happiness will never end. This is His marvelous promise unto those that glorify Him in their life by letting Jesus lead the way to your 'Life of Blessings, ' not the curse.

You may never understand the substratum of the writings, but I encourage you to delve deeper than just the words. I implore you to be attentive to the call of hidden wisdom. It will empower with purpose, strength and to Jesus Christ. It is never about me just the glory of my Heavenly Father.

So, let's find our way through this life, which is our assignment together in unity and love. May all continue to be receptive to the Light, which shines within our hearts. May your words never be the cause of any bitterness nor spite. Listen, there will always be haters. Please let your life map out the way to God's Heavenly Bliss. Thank you my sisters and brothers. I love you all! Blessings, I'm praying for you. T.G.

Prologue of the book: 'Open-Ended Artistic Creativity'

May you find your Purpose in Life and fulfill your Destiny!
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