Poor Earth Poem by Elinor Morton Wylie

Elinor Morton Wylie

Elinor Morton Wylie

Somerville, New Jersey
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Elinor Morton Wylie
Somerville, New Jersey
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Poor Earth

Rating: 2.9

It is not heaven: bitter seed
Leavens its entrails with despair
It is a star where dragons breed:
Devils have a footing there.

The sky has bent it out of shape;
The sun has strapped it to his wheel;
Its course is crooked to escape
Traps and gins of stone and steel.

It balances on air, and spins
Snared by strong transparent space;
I forgive it all its sins;
I kiss the scars upon its face.

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Elinor Morton Wylie

Elinor Morton Wylie

Somerville, New Jersey
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Elinor Morton Wylie
Somerville, New Jersey
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