Political Healthcare Poem by Loyd C Taylor Sr

Political Healthcare

Both sides strut powers
Debating for hours
Politicians at their best…
More Americans laid to rest.

A Naani poem
Naani is one of the Indian popular Telugu poems. Naani means an expression of one and all. It consists of 4 lines, the total lines consists of 20 to 25 syllables. The poem is not bounded to a particular subject. Generally it depends upon human relations and current statements. It’s not necessary to follow the rules. This poetry was introduced by one of the renowned Telugu poets Dr. N.Gopi, presently working as vice-chancellor to Telugu University, Andhra Pradesh

Author's notes:
After I took my daily routine of meds I prepared myself for the long awaited Healthcare debate. I managed to drag myself away from a stack of medical bills, using my walker I made my way to the TV. Next, I selected the channel, turned up the volume and turned on my hearing aid. (No, that’s not me really, but I could imagine that it is true for others.)

But, I did make myself watch most of the summit held on February 25,2010. I watched with hope and thinking about change. Sadly, I found only more of the same thing.
I truly believe most of the politicians should be removed from their comfortable beds, lavish salaries and benefits. They need to get a taste of real life instead of pretending. Even Jesus chose to come as a servant and serve he did. He did without food, comfortable surroundings and faced much opposition from the common folk. Most of our current politicians have never known what many of their constituents face on a daily bases, and that should be a prerequisite to being elected.
But, then I think who is to blame for their egos, lack of productivity, dishonesty, etc.? Then I realize that we the people put them into office, so we must share the blame.
I think we would be better off if we had some garbage collectors, farmers, doctors, UPS drivers, you know, common folk, real folk, serving in their stead.
So, for now what are we to do? First, let us pray for them. Support the best ones and let our voices be heard now and in the coming elections. Put off partisan preferences and elect and follow those with true character. Oh, did I mention the need to pray? Pray, pray, pray!
Just a few of my thoughts, Loyd

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