Poets Flight Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Poets Flight

I close my eyes and breathe relief,
take hold my pen in hand
think deeply of those words to grasp,
my thoughts do so expand
freely consciousness takes flight
over visional Promised Land
naturally minds span gives lift,
words wrote take a firm stand.

Truth's purpose joins me in the soar
to reach mind's deepest den
values bleached by life's feast shine,
ignored by death's pitchmen
promote in thought living's chase,
rough script bled fountain pen
freedom leaps, as mind seeks
proses' rhythms time and again.

Drink deep these breaths of flight,
sustain self on soaring wings
thoroughly sweep skies of thought,
rue mind tactfully like kings
compassions rule strikes the heart,
frees mind of binding strings
bliss cleaves soul of fright
as words live by heaven's springs.

Unconditional is this searching climb
as clear is light's ascent
imaginations cling to pen,
as wrote is verse that represents
development in mind's view,
open all to one's divine events
imperative is the process,
it gifts from grace, advice, and consent.

Spanning wings cast shadows
created by energy beyond the sun
panoramic scenes ignite dreams,
life's sparkle wondrously redone
creativity bonds soul to word
as this solo flight gives for each one
essential visions shared in pen,
lasting fellowships in the long run.

Saturday, November 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational
Saheb Mohapatra 15 November 2014

very matured write.............i really like it.........thanks

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