Poem No: 35. How Shall I Gladden You? O My Dearest! Poem by Dipankar Sadhukhan

Poem No: 35. How Shall I Gladden You? O My Dearest!

Rating: 5.0

How shall I gladden you? o my dearest!
Like a tiger Time will claw my asset.
One night when I met you for the first time,
Love for you was born in my heart and mind.

Now I'm full of life and vitality.
Once I'll grow old by Time's activity.
He shall try to steal my strength and power
But e'en in the storm my mind won't alter.

Time shall take away your beauty and hue.
He'll spoil your rosy lips and weaken you.
But if your mind remains same like this earth,
Your Love for me shall grow in mind and heart.

The icy hands of Death shall touch us ne'er
As our Love will make us youth forever.

By Dipankar Sadhukhan
Kolkata, India.
'Beauty and Truth in Love', No: 35
Copyrights@September04,2014(11: 35pm) .

Saturday, September 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love,truth,beauty
Sarmistha Mukherjee 19 November 2016

A lovely poem indeed.

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Sarmistha Mukherjee 17 November 2016

This one is also very nice.10

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Seema Devi 14 November 2016

A magnificent love poem.

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