Ph: Stimulus-Response: Cloud Illusions Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Stimulus-Response: Cloud Illusions

A Passing Cloud - Poem by Lora Colon

I like comparing him to a summer cloud
That drifted one day into my life,
While in his shadow, I found my peace,
A refuge from the sun's burning strife

At times I was lost in a blinding light,
But in his shade the path became clear,
The rocks and thorns I might step upon
I learned to shun and no longer fear

When my heart didn't know what it thirsted for,
His love rained down like a quenching mist,
Watching dead dreams rise up from their graves
I drank deeply..... how could I resist!

I absorbed his love like a flower drinks rain,
I watched my loneliness drown, quivering,
How blessed I felt, Fate had finally smiled,
I'd found Heaven and eternal Spring

But little did Heaven care about my joy,
And Fate displayed a dark, ugly streak,
Storm clouds and rain came to fill my sky,
Suddenly, all that was bright turned bleak

A disturbing gust had swept across my sky,
Like fierce gales that form upon the sea,
And as clouds often do on starless nights,
He drifted with the wind far from me


Just A Passing Cloud - Poem by Brian Johnston

I am the author of all of my pain
And the well spring of all my delight
I bare my heart, choose to let both come in
Though my mind wrestles them in the night.

God curse the day I place blame at His door,
When I trip and I fall on my will,
Turning blind eye to His heavenly light,
In the midst of His feast, hunger still.

I know that God carries me in His arms
That my bruised feet are signs of my sin
All my designs born of saving myself
Have no place in His Wrath, just His Grin.

All this rich life comes to me as a gift
Though at times my fear clings like a wife,
Humbled, You help me to walk by your side,
In Your Grace flows a river called life.

Does not take genius for me to see
My own life is a mere passing cloud,
Windblown unless I can live in Your Love
And the shade that I offer allowed.

I thank you Lord that Your Love can be shared,
Gently shelters a few in my path,
Quenching the thirst of an uprooted soul
That is struggling still with God’s math.

Bitterness left in this world set aside,
As You teach me Your lessons of love,
Pain and sweet joy are both part of Your Plan
That protects exposed hearts like a glove.

When I am weary please help me to see
That Your Love is like air, there for all,
Rainy day gold cannot obviate sin
Every breath that I take like rainfall.

Nourish me now as I grow in Your Shade
And I welcome Your Knock on my door,
Grant that I always put trust in Your Ways
And help this passing cloud to do more.

Saturday, July 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Brian Johnston
July 24,2015
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