Ph: Echo: Chasing A Dream! ? Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Echo: Chasing A Dream! ?

Some people take flack for chasing their dreams
From plain folks who perhaps don't have many
They're knocked for not taking life as it seems,
Risking treasure worth more than a penny.

Dreams are illusive, you're not in control,
You've, at best, just a slim ghost of a chance
Unlike real people who come with a soul
A dream will not ever promise a dance.

Dreams may come quickly then suddenly go,
In love and in war we're told ‘all is fair, '
Just ask yourself this, 'What does my heart know?
When the dawn comes is my sweet dream still there? '

Still need permission? My answer is yes!
I will admit though the wait can be tough
But joy will be yours when friends must confess
Some dreams come true and you had the ‘Right Stuff.'

Saturday, March 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Dreams
Brian Johnston
March 15,2014

Do a PH search for the poem that inspired my poem called 'Wishful Thinking' by Lora Colon for some additional reading pleasure. Read her poem first and then mine for the Echo.
Roseann Shawiak 23 March 2014

Totally awesome poem, Brian! Dreams are the things life is made of, otherwise no one would ever do anything. It has a nice, steady staccato rhythm as it is read, flows evenly throughout the poem. Thoroughly enjoyed your take on dreams. I give it 3 - 10's.

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Brian Johnston 22 March 2014

I am certain animals dream Pradip. In humans dreaming is always associated with something called 'rapid eye movement' and you can see this in animals as well. Haven't you ever seen a dog running in his sleep? I just wonder why happens to the rabbit he's chasing if he catches it? Ha!

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Pradip Chattopadhyay 22 March 2014

a very nice take on dreams, the strangest thing to have blessed/cursed men. I wonder if other animals dream too.

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Thomas Duncky 22 March 2014

Nice observation on the pursuit of dreams, and great rhyming too.Just ask yourself this, 'What does my heart know? When the dawn comes is my sweet dream still there? ’

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Rajesh Thankappan 16 March 2014

Realizing a dream is really a dream come true and congratulations if it really materializes. I appreciate the tone and tenor of the poem.

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