Peanut Butter Elephants Poem by Kevin Rottweiler

Peanut Butter Elephants

Just blown away by the elephants
dinosaurs of the past
eating peanut butter sandwiches
from a man's hand
at the zoo
big hungry elephants
walking in animal dung
nobody gets out of here
caged in
but a peaceful sanctuary
and even the elderly in wheelchairs
come to see them wagging their tails
and the cows and bulls
elephants of today
but dinosaurs of the past
in a peaceful sanctuary
sometimes get sugar treats
from a man's hand
jello or hard candy
gripping with moist trunks
often during the holidays
when people have money
and the elephants blow their noses
in tissues
the veterinary students pretend
not to see
the zoo keepers pretend not to see
embarrassed elephants blowing
snots into garbage pails
drinking muddy water
sinking in dirty water
bath time is dirt time
with sand spraying all over
and the people see it
as if the elephants do not know
what they are doing
but Mother Nature and God
developed these wonderful creatures
sailing once upon Noah's Ark
depending on what religion
one believes
but Moses is coming back
aboard a gold ark
and Noah aboard
flagging down the angels
with the Ancient of Days
by the elephant trunks of gold
bringing them home to Heaven
so devil
don't try and fight
this is the elephant night
and they wake up to daylight
in Jesus' Name
and the fanatics
throw peanut butter sandwiches
to the elephants
dinosaurs of today
walking in animal dung

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