Parasailing Poem by Jim Yerman


Rating: 2.5

Yesterday Bryan took me parasailing…it was a belated birthday gift.
Parasailing: That's where they pull you behind a speeding boat…and up like a kite you drift.

I remember thinking as they strapped me in
to that parachute attached to a thong…
and the boat began to speed away…
'What could possibly go wrong? "

But my fears were quickly forgotten…and it's hard to put into words
how it felt to fly above the water…and soar among the birds…

To feel the salt wind upon my face…as I floated up with ease…
To see the world from up above…as I drifted on the breeze.

There is a peacefulness that overtakes you as you ascend above the crowds
a calm kind of tranquility as you mingle with the clouds…

And for a moment time seemed to stand still as we sailed in the sun
and there was no-one else upon the Earth…
save a father and his son.

I've never had a bucket list…a list of adventures from which to pull
because I've always felt so blessed in life…
my bucket's already full…

But when Bryan said, "I'm thinking of running with the bulls next year, Dad…do you want to come along? "
I remember thinking…hmmm running with bulls…
what could possibly go wrong?

Saturday, May 13, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: father and son
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