Orphans Lament. Poem by J.A McManus

Orphans Lament.

Rating: 5.0

I feel as small as a speck of dust
That dances along the milky way
I feel as abandoned as a park
On which the children no longer play.

I feel as unloved as a garden
Which is neglected and overgrown
I feel as lonely as a drifter
Who walks the winding road all alone.

I feel as empty as an old bed
That nobody chooses to sleep upon
I feel as silent as a mute lark
That vainly tries to still sing his song.

I feel as fragile as red rose
That grows through the cracks of old cement
But do not shed tears over me, for
This is every orphans sad lament.

Matt Mooney 27 January 2010

Strikes a true note. Well written and to the point poem.10.

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John Knight 17 January 2010

Hi John - Excellent structure - four quatrians and a consistent rhymimg pattern. It has flow and recites well. Good content - it scores a MAX. The things felt by your orphan paint pictures of neglect and despair. Small - abandoned - unloved - neglected - lonely - empty silent and fragile. there are also some lovely descriptors of these feelings. I like the last two lines which give a nice fatalistic conclusion to an excellent poem. 'But do not shed tears over me - for this is every orphans sad lament. Yours in poetry - JOHN.

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J.A McManus

J.A McManus

Carlisle, Cumbria
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