White Light (A Free Verse Poem.) Poem by J.A McManus

White Light (A Free Verse Poem.)

Rating: 5.0

My blood-shot eyes blink away existence
Unfamiliar voices roll through my brain
Gravity’s unseen hands pull me to the earth
I find their spell far too charming to fight.

Awful bells start to toll in my head, they play
Their terrible tune of death, so seductively
A searing light of pure white beats at my face
As the tolling draws me closer to it’s calling.

I ascend into a white tunnel shining above me
But my body stays on the cold, hard ground
I’m so free from the burden of my fleshy clothing
So naked and fragile, like a screaming newborn.

My heart’s rhythmic beating calls to me longingly
I fall back into the warm sanctuary of my body
I take a breath and feel so blessed to still be alive
But all I can think about is the searing white light.

Joseph Poewhit 30 October 2009

Interesting write of death experience

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Terence Nabbs 30 October 2009

Very discriptive john have u expirenced any thing like you discribed in your poem especially the white searing light terry

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Ahmad Shiddiqi 30 October 2009

Wonderful and encouraging. Keep writing!

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Obinna Eruchie 01 November 2009

Experiencing death and coming back to life. Good one!

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Mike Zhang 17 April 2019

what'S the purpose or occasion of the white light?

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Mike Zhang 17 April 2019

What's the purpose or occasion of this poem?

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Mike Zhang 17 April 2019

what's the purpose of this poem?

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sky dreams 14 November 2009

this poem is so captivating, it makes you imagine the words as if they are truly happening at that very moment.. touches straight into the soul of the reader.. sort of makes you take a step back into reality and realize how precious and fragile life truly is. beautiful write -sky

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Anne Unknown 03 November 2009

not only you but the poem came to life too. i know a word.....descriptive that's the one. wonderfully done John.

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J.A McManus

J.A McManus

Carlisle, Cumbria
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