Or So It Seems... Poem by James Darwin Smith II

Or So It Seems...

What is real anymore?
There seems to be a catch to everything
So many ugly intentions
There never seems an end
To these foolish misadventures

Oh, I have heard it all

Do they really think I am that naive?

Look at them
Such terrible terrible actors
Couldn't act themselves out
Of a garbage bag
Yet, still they try convincing themselves
That everything they say is real

They can be all the way
Across this world
Or even right in front of me
But they are all the same
Always thinking that I am going to fall for their game

Why have there been many around?
Do their grizzly senses
Think I am bleeding vulnerability?

I am so good looking
So wonderful, so amazing
To those who want to use me
As I saw the ill intentions
From many upon many miles away

False words always running rampant
Overcrowded in theses ad times of today
Fork tongued royalty
Reigning above
A society in full utter disarray

Ode to my private life
Even those who are closest
Will never know of these experiences
From all of these many redundant years

I keep it all to myself
No one knows the half of it
And I rather have it stay that way

Now do you know why I close myself?

I am too damn tired
Of those who actually think
I am going to play their infantile game

My soul is not as young as they think it is

Maybe someday, their young minds
Will catch up to their adult bodies
And then realize
They are robbing their own souls
Of a life free of karma
Just imagine how different
Things would be then?

Is it too late?
Who knows?

Who am I to predict anything?

Welcome to redundancy
Will it ever change?

Society, make a believer out of me

Yet, still after all of this
I am still feeling positive
In some weird awkward sort of way

Indulge me
My mind is full of nutrition

A paradox and an enigma
A perfect marriage for me

Now do you realize what I don't mean?

Evoke me
Make me finally believe!

Just never try conjuring these demons
They are long lost
Way too far away from me
Or so I think
Therefor I do not know
Where they will end up being

I think too damn much
This mind needs a vacation
Away from reality

Or so it seems…

Thursday, November 9, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,mind,reality
Written on 11/9/17
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