One Amateur's Opinion On Love Poem by Jim Yerman

One Amateur's Opinion On Love

I am no expert but I often wonder about love…how she's invisible…like the wind
Yet, when you feel her brush against your heart, you know where she has been.

How the ability to love is universal…but how its origins are unclear.
How you can meet another person….and out of nowhere…love appears.

How love has a fluidity….the ability to move…to flow.…to run.
How when two people fall in love…their two loves become one.

How love has an elasticity…on whatever paths it chooses to undertake…
It has the ability to spread out over long distances…to bend but never break.

And here's a simple caution anyone who falls in love should know..
It is only when love is cultivated that it has a chance to grow.

But when it is nurtured that tree of love grows tall and strong…
I've seen it…I believe….
I've seen the way love sends it message to all its branches…all it's leaves.

I've seen how love is resilient…no matter what shape she takes…what form…
when it's roots are fortified by love…that tree can weather any storm.

This week I was blessed by how many times the love growing on my family tree
flowed through the branches and the leaves and found it's way to me…

As I say I am no expert I don't know how love can last forever
or be evanescent……how no one can ever own her…
but I don't have to be an expert…one I've felt her touch
to understand how lucky I am to have known her.

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