Oh Dilemma Poem by Asad Ali Jogi

Oh Dilemma

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Oh dilemma!

Oh dilemma! Oh dilemma!
One night I dreamt, thy were so away from me

Yet very happy, and saying to me
Oh dilemma! Oh dilemma!

Have thou ever seen, the Mab queen
Which is spiritually and evergreen
Oh dilemma! Oh dilemma!

I queered upon the bright sky then assured
It was thy the virgin shy,

Twinkling in the sky,
Oh dilemma! Oh dilemma!

In the sky Mermaid posed for a while,
Vanished far-off beyond the vision
And I sat in a ceaseless obsession
Oh dilemma! Oh dilemma!

Oh Dilemma
Friday, October 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: dilemma,dream
My poem story resembles some like that of Abu Bin Adhem’s.
There is a poem in English textbook ABU Bin ADHEM, in which an angel comes into the room of Abu Bin Ad hem, which sees a golden book in the hand of an angel, and request him what the angel is writing in that book, angel doesn’t replies the query of Abu Bin Adhem and vanishes far-off. After some days angel again appears into Abu Bin Adhem’s room with more bright light; now again Abu Bin Adhem requests angel, who shows him the golden book in which Abu Bin Adhem’s name was on the top of the list.
likewise in my dream, what happens that a Mermaid, Mab queen appears and she has written a letter to me and I read it, it was a just about 2002 night time 3AM. I woke up and tried to remember the script of the letter which the Mermaid had written for me and then she vanished far-off in the brightest sky. Just a while about 30 seconds I could remember the script / text of the letter and then decided to sleep again and to analyze it in the morning. Next morning as I woke up and tried to focus on the text of the letter in my dream but couldn’t succeed to recall the full text but remembered some of its context. One interesting thing is that I learned a new English word DILEMMA through my dream. I had never seen, listened, heard this word ever by any of the source might it be a person, book, T.V or anything else. I perceived that Dilemma might be an English language word, so to proof this I opened a dictionary and searched the word and hence found it. I was much amazed to see that a word to learn through the dream. The meaning of the ‘Dilemma’ in dictionary was ‘quandary دونوں طرح مشکل’. Dilemma is a situation in which a person is in deep obsessions to decide where to go, choose and which path to follow. Then after I wrote this poem. It has been rechecked by the professors of English department of Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur and Institute of English Language University of Sindh, Jamshoro. Who placed it in the free verse category of English poetry.
Note: All rights of this poem are reserved; the content of this poem is abstract cogitative obsessions of the author.
Akhtar Jawad 15 November 2015

I have read the poem Abu Bin Adhem, somewhere in early sixties, it was prescribed in my course. The poem gives a clear message the message that Coleridge gave in his long poem Rimes of The Ancient Mariner and there is no dilemma in it. Loving men and birds and beast is loving God and God loves those who love their fellowmen, is the message of Abu bin Adhem. That is soul of all ethics and beliefs. I am sure the content of your Queen of Mob's letter would also have been the same. Your poem is lovely and nice..............................10

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Fabrizio Frosini 30 October 2015

enjoyed poem and note, also.. ‘quandary دونوں طرح مشکل’.. :) Cheers

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Asad Ali Jogi 30 October 2015

Thanks, Frosini,

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Kelly Kurt 30 October 2015

Lovely poem, Asad. Thank you for the notes.

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Asad Ali Jogi 30 October 2015

Well said Kelly, Its the only poem of mine written after a dream I saw in a night about my beloved, but now she is a doctor and she married to an Army personal after their scandal. she don't deserve this poem which I wrote for her.

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Gajanan Mishra 30 October 2015

beyond the vision, good writing, thanks,

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Asad Ali Jogi 30 October 2015

In the dream a letter written by her which I read and found this word Dilemma, I woke up in 3am at night and for a while actually the whole script was moving into my brain and then It started vanishing and the only Word I remember till morning was Dilemma, In the morning I recalled that word and was thinking that its neither the word of Sindhi nor Urdu, it might be the word of English, having this idea I took a dictionary searched the word Dilemma and then I wrote this poem.

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Asad Ali Jogi 30 October 2015

Mishra, thanks, its really a flight of cogitations, love, and lover at two distinct distances, I was unaware to Dilemma word before writing this poem, I saw a dream read a letter written by my beloved placed at her door, I took it read, and saw that she has departed and appeared into the clouds, asking me to come.

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Asad Ali Jogi

Asad Ali Jogi

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