Ode On A Reminiscence Poem by Indranil Bit

Ode On A Reminiscence

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The day seemed perfectly moulded for me
Not even an issue succeed to shaken me
It appeared to me as if in a wonderland
With no troubles to shoot back at me
I was flying with the words of my mind
Little did I realize what awaited for me.
That night I went early to bed
And hold me up in my prayers
Admiring the stars out my window
I was still in twilight of my sleep.

It all began as the clock struck nine
With half a city still much in life
The honking of cars were yet to fade
The rattling of trains seemed never to end
The grumbling of fans, the whistling of pests
All mingled buzz were not new to me
All of a sudden it struck in my mind
I recalled something and heavens are so kind
Untouched assets waiting long to unfold
May it be a small box, but from my grandpa.

I crawled down with stretching hands
Beneath my cot in a restless way
Until I felt to have touched the cold
The cold of a metal, the box! the box!
A silky smile ran through my face
My cheeks went red, my ears burned
That moment seemed seven lifes to me
My dancing heart was beyond spellbound
Last when my heart had overflowed
A kiss on wrinkled cheek of my grandpa.

Slowly with care I hugged my treasure
Slowly did I open the lid, green and white
To my surprise and beyond my imagination
It’s a reverie to have had discovered this!
Neitrer riches nor letters were lying inside
A pebble wrapped in a red silk embroidery
Cared as if it had been the best gift ever
Received by my dear in all his life
Tears rolled down to flood my cheeks
priceless it is to both me and grandpa

You all may think the narrator is mad
To have loved a pebble, that is so abundant
But when it bears reminiscence so dear
It claims to become a shrine of honour.
On a golden day, in a whimsical me
I gifted it to him, collecting from the lawn
As a token of pleasure for planting my rose
He accepted it with both his hands
And tossed my hair as if to bless
Now I know what a gem I had!

it is a fantasy and not a true incident or doesnot replicate any such similar incidents.
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