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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Obsessed With You Comments

Rating: 4.8

Every day and night
I think of you
Then a light
Goes on in my head
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Shy Beauty Raven 07 May 2009

Hey Racheal this poem in really awesome and there is actually someone here at my school that is like obsessed with my brother and the girl that is obsessed with him is just like in your poem. i have a poem called Am i visble? its about a guy that i like and he can't see me and know we are toghether.

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Nice poem i can understand where you are coming from.

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<font color =fusha>Amy 25 November 2008

fantastic poem tell him how you feel :)

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junior frontilus 03 November 2008

why don't you just thinking of me olo :) and i'll do the same

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Egi David Perdana 31 October 2008

my obsessed is to be the best band ever and that's is my way,10

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Reetessh Sabrr 27 September 2008

beautiful expression..so candid!

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Tj Becker 26 September 2008

a cool poem, I think we've all been obsessed with someone. Very good write.

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silver phoenix 01 August 2008

This poem is really cute, reminded me of myself! thankyou, if time permits please check some of my work, i think youll like some of it. Thank you in advance Kilian

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