Nothing Good Poem by Alex Lane

Nothing Good

Came off the highway
Went into the dust
It was hot
No one was looking for us
As I quenched my thirst
My companion conversed
With a blind soul in the sand
He pointed at me and said:
‘One of us, one of dust! You're just the same, the man with no name! '

No I didn't care for his song
So we got moving along
There oceans of flame
Lapped the dark shore
Three islands of rage
Corrupted at the core
Everyone has their reasons
Now they have demons

It's vengeance, vengeance!
Can you hear the blood vessels boiling?
Can you see the lives they're spoiling?
Someone else's son or someone else's father
It's bloodlust
In the hereafter
Nothing good
Comes this way
This is hate
This is vengeance I hear them say
‘One of us, one of dust! You're just the same, the man with no name! '

And I screamed inside
And then I screamed in reply
‘I played by the rules, I played a fair game, there's no misguided sense of justice, and I HAVE A NAME! '
Shot down in their grief
They resume to moan
Tooth by tooth
It has sunk into their bones
By the bridge we crossed
With all our patience lost.

Friday, June 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: hate
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