No Smoking Page 6 Poem by Deborah Cromer

No Smoking Page 6

Rating: 5.0

Songs of life, songs of God, set to music of heavenly beat
Smoking is a lie, you're made to want it, it is the devil's deceit
Evil never wins, sometimes you need help to strengthen your choice
A hand and offering of help, to let you know you have voice
Take control of the addiction to conquer and win
Say hello to your tomorrow, wave and say good-bye to sin
I am with you, I have been there also, you are not alone
My prayers are the 911 call, without picking up the phone
Take comfort, I am holding you close to me indeed
I offer my soul to your addiction, off of which you may feed
Use me to replace the need you feel your body has to smoke
Absorb my life, rest, let your mind and body soak
Drenching yourself with new life and breath, so bold
Be brave, have courage, the Surgeon General's warning has been told
Listen to all, everything bad you always hear is real
Go with your instinct, stop smoking, let your body heal
This is not a game invented for people to play for fun
Once you choose to light up your beginning is sadly done
Over and no chance to take life's next wondrous step into tomorrow
Without you to be with, my mind quotes from books of pain and sorrow
Stopping will be forever, it is a daily battle you need to win
With every breath and every heartbeat, go with God, Amen

Louis Rams 20 August 2009

a man would be proud to have you by his side but! it won't help if he's not willing to try. just like a child you can teach us right from wrong but it is up to us, to fight and become strong. ALWAYS WITH FAITH WE CAN CONQUER ALL. GOD BLESS

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Deborah Cromer

Deborah Cromer

Portland, Oregon
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