Nature's Monster Poem by Adele Katie Bowling

Nature's Monster

our feet smacked against the damp ground
as we walked across the sand frozen in ripples
the crashing waves looked small in the distance
like the beach's foamy milk mustache
the tall, barnacle-crusted signs warning us of jellyfish
stuck out with no water swirling around them
half-empty tide pools sat, still as we passed
undisturbed by silvery fish and scrabbling crabs
the rippling water lay silent
waiting for something
as far as we could see
the beach was holding its breath

that was when we noticed the low-hanging clouds
lurking above our heads
dark and gray
filled with pent-up power
about to burst forth
the rain began to fall
without warning
pouring on out heads
soaking us to the bone
with shouts of surprise and delighf
we turned back
running toward the shore
pursued by frothing waves that howled like hyenas
with the exhilaration of the chase

the tide pools filled faster than we thought possible
so high that we had to wade if we wanted to escape
the fierce, cold wind blew needles of sand
pricking our skin
stinging our faces
driving the rain
pushing us back

in the distance
we could see through the rain
thick clouds swirling
silver lightning streaking through the sky
flashing for a split-second
blinding us
leaving only a glowing line on my eyelids

finally we stop at the edge of the beach
the edge of civilaztion
safe from the storm
behind us, the tempest howls its defeat
and retreats back to the sea

we walk away
heading for home
laughing from the relief and from the joy
of living through a storm
and seeing the power of nature
but we cannot help but look back
at the beach and the monster
that we have left behind
and may never see again

This poem is based on a storm in Tybee Island, Georgia. My family and I were out on the beach when the tide was out...almost a mile out! Then it started raining and the tide started coming in. The tide pools we passed on our walk out filled and we had to almost swim through several pools. Looking back, I realize that if we had stayed out there, we could have died. It's gazing how close we can come to death and not even realize it. Check out my other poems!
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