Nature In A Glass Poem by jolenish fiber

Nature In A Glass

Rating: 5.0

I drink nature in a glass every day.
In the flowers that smell of a fragrance so honey,
and walk the trails laden with pine's bristles,
I find the solitude that makes my soul sigh.
It is not merely an escape, but a rejuvenation that occurs
each time my body is engulfed in a pond,
or my legs climb a tall tree. I find myself.
I find myself in all these things,
and my soul doesn't just sigh,
it sings of a joy that one can hope to find
in the midst of tall rocks and small streams.
It is a home to which no one belongs,
for who could own such things that brings joy to the heart?
There is nothing greater!
In the forest where the crickets and birds duet,
or the river meats the ocean with it's pungant smell,
where else would one go to find one self?
It is a place that one doesn't have to go far for,
when sought after.
Drink a glass of nature everyday,
you will know what this joy is when you do.

Chitra - 30 October 2008

and we readers drink nature through these poetic beacons of wonder lines a great one!

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Roy Storey 24 July 2008

i give you 10 out of 10 a lovely poem thank you.

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Jhonny Thermidor 17 June 2008

see? we have sum things in common. I like nature and i never want to use artificial thing. You just said u drink nature in a glass and i believe i did more than u: i use it in my life on a daily basis! ...Keep it up! ! !

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Howard Johnson 06 June 2008

very beautiful and filled with vivid immagery, I added it to my favorites, to reread again another day, Thank you for sharing, Jolenish

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