Namaqualand And The Atlantic 10.2.2008 Poem by Margaret Alice

Namaqualand And The Atlantic 10.2.2008

Sunday 28 September 2008
……………….Namaqualand’s Beautiful Town Springbok

Springbok is the brightest crystal and
sparkling diamonds shining in pristine
beauty, blue skies and green emeralds,
punctuated by dollops of golden-yellow
and orange flowers, framed by dappled
rocks and sun-kissed hillocks; I’ve lost
my heart to Springbok

enclosed within the sweet embrace of
Namaqualand’s brightest flowers, a playful
breeze welcoming us with velvet touches;
driving into fields of green, the beauty of the
scene – brightest purple explosions amongst
sun-coloured flowers, a kaleidoscope of sensual
delight, mountain ridges representing

colours in cymatics, illustrating the melodies
created by colourful harmonies of chromatic
colours – a sapphire sky stretched over lime-
green gorse, rugged mountain edges, a musical
composition of delicious colour themes; then
all becoming a patterned carpet in shades of
green and luminous cream…

A tapestry landscape in purple and yellow, flowers
become a smile and laughter in the landscape,
without flowers the land looks serious, austere,
add the giggles of giddy yellow, the twittering of
miniature pinks, purple splashes of full-throated
laughter, and the land starts smiling, welcoming

Wednesday 1 October 2008
…………….Watching the Atlantic

Watching the white foam of the bridal sea, the
rolling cloak of a magical maid, sparkling with
diamonds afar, the hem of her seawater dress
marked by mocha and cream, framed by wet
rocks glistening in golden sun

I’m sitting here looking upon nature’s mystery,
the bride herself is nowhere to be seen, only
waves of cloth undulating and breaking cease-
lessly, only the voice of the bridegroom is heard
in the low baritone and -

Wooden bass of the rolling and breaking waves,
the bride’s voice is quiet, her laughter is caught
in the giddy giggles of yellow flowers adorning
the land, her shy expectation is depicted in blue
flowers interspersed between

Orange and purple daisies and blossoms in pink,
the guests are all ranged upon white cottonwool
clouds drifting about in a blue, luminous sky, the
preparations for a celestial feast are complete,
I’m dreaming, the feast

Will begin…

Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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