My World Poem by Courtney Caine

My World

My beliefs are different from others
My world moves in another way
It has be long forgotten
So I live alone
Am a queen of a lost world all its own
My world needs a king
And am looking
Only one fits the role and I adore him
He holds something in me that I once had thought had died
My heart start to beat
When I hear his voice
My eyes look on in wonder as I see his face
I need him to be my king
For I am so alone
I look back to the past
I miss the days of the old where no one thought of cheating
In the fear of their god
I have no god
But I want a world like that
Where one does not think of cheating
Where ones heart only belongs to their other half
Yes i Believe in true love
As well as in soul mates
Call me a fool but i will believe in what i will
Its a sad fact isn't it
The sad fact is that we wonder this earth
Not knowing Who are soul mate is
Most will never fine such joy
To be loved in such way
I have always wanted such a love to be my own
But I know I will never get such a thing
I had once seen my soul mate I don't know what it was about him but once i saw him i knew he was mine and I was his
But I lost him never to see him again
The saddest part was knowing my soul mate was here
Walking around
But I will never see him again
I will never hold him
I will never know his touch
Never feel his lips on mine
Nor will he feel mine
Such a sad thing to know
Such a sad thing to have to live with
My fear of growing old alone
Feels like it coming true
With the years passing
I grow older not a child any more but a women
I found my love again
But he was in the arms of another
My heart breaks
As i look away tears coming to my eyes
I ran I couldn't take it
I ran to my safe place where no one can hurt me
Sitting there in the dark thinking
And coming to see thing
It was sad to know that he would grow old in her arm not in mine
They would grow old together in happiness
As you grow old alone
You start to turn bitter
Your heart bleeds dry
By the wound in your chest
That the aching made
What once had been love turn to hate
You have been alone
While he has been happy
You grow to hate him
For years you was broken
But with the years came the truth
You would rather be alone then him unhappy
It doesn't matter that he was loved by another
He was happy
It may not have been the love you could have gave him
But he was loved
Then the sadness comes
You could never give him the love you had for him
Tears run down your face
As you think of what could have been
But will never happen
But he is happy and thats all thats matter

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