My Unconscious Mystery Woman Poem by Arthur V. Miller III

My Unconscious Mystery Woman

Why do I feel like there is a plot against me, like there is a mystery to be solved but sense I am unconscious of my self- conscious, it is making me conscious DAMMIT ALL TO HELL, STAY OUT OF MY DREAMS WOMAN, LEAVE ME ALONE! ! ! Who are you but a sign a sign of what could of been? ? ? Oh why must she and these dreams be so shrouded, I wished …
Will it come to be, who is this woman and what is my conscious trying to tell me that I’m so blindly not seeing, if I know she is not that one according to these dreams and the constant stabs to my weak and broken heart, why is she still showing up, what are these dreams. I am dying to know...and if thou shall not tell, me thyself, please let me go from this holy hell of blind light that you have set and trapped me in.20 years on this dear earth that I truly call my mother and what are you but another seed of her, born to destroy another, not physically yet emotionally... Tortured by the thoughts of man, What is thy purpose in my unconscious state? ? ?

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