My Spider: Poem by Lea Andrea AAA

My Spider:

There’s a spider in my room,
Oh, a spider in my room,
It’s got a tiny little body
And such intricate legs.

Thin as a hair, they still move around,
Oh my, what a marvel of engineering….

My good Lord made it for me,
Such a wonderful thing he made,
All delicate and so beautiful
Oh, it’s here today…

It spins a web of gossamer thread,
That could catch raindrops, if they fell
But there is no rain on my land,
And the web stays all dry
And the spider sits and waits
For the fly to come it’s way.

It doesn’t sit and watch,
It just does whatever it wants,
The web has been woven, and the house is ready
And it’s just waiting for the meal to come across.

When the meal comes willingly,
And it sits on the web,
The spider kills it all well and tight
So that it doesn’t feel a thing
Then the spider spins a web, and covers it well.

It’s kept safe and sound, so the spider doesn’t have to hunt again,
Till the previous meal is all consumed and done
But the flies keep dropping in
And the spider is busy,
Because once the fly sits on the web, it is caught by the glue.

Then the spider gets tired of all that,
The larder is full,
So it stops putting glue
And that’s the end of the hunting for that time.

Then the spider settles for some rest,
And snoozes a while,
When it wakes up, it goes to the larder
And eats, or maybe it walks a while
And stretches those beautiful, gossamer legs
And it walks around
And talks to be the birds and the flowers
And God knows what else it does…
Then finally when it thinks of food,
Then the larder is full,
So it goes and eats something
And it blesses the Lord,
And that is the end of the story.

Brian Jani 14 July 2014

i never thought such a meaningful piece of penwork could come out of such a topic.well done.

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