My Friend Hassan Poem by Ahmed Matar

My Friend Hassan

Rating: 4.8

A visit from our trusted president
Who tours our country's vast extent
He gave a speech and thus it went:
"Have no fear to voice dissent
the days of fear are truly spent"
So up he stood, my old friend Trent
And asked him: "Mr President
Where's the food with rich content?
Where's a house with decent rent?
Where's a job with no torment?
Where will medicine be sent?
Oh honoured Mr President
Though you have the best intent
We haven't even had a cent!"
Then spoke the trusted president
With voice full of great lament
"This causes me a deep torment
To her these words of discontent
In this land, at this event.
But thank you for your words well-meant
And better times are in ascent."
Another year it came and went
And came again our president:
"Have no fear to voice dissent
the days of fear are truly spent"
Not one single malcontent!
So up I stood with good intent:
"Where's the food with rich content?
Where's a house with decent rent?
Where's a job with no torment?
Where will medicine be sent?
And, sorry Mr President,
But where is my old friend Hassan !?"

Hayat Baloch 09 April 2021

The translated version of poem has lost a part of its meaning due to stress on maintaining the rhyme scheme.

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Hassan 20 November 2020

I'm right here! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Sadeq 04 January 2019

In Arabic Language still much better.

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Emmanuel George Cefai 22 April 2014

A sense of a deeper story hidden within. I like this poem. Thank you for sharing.

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