My Dear, Will You Pray With Me? Poem by John Stephen Reynolds

My Dear, Will You Pray With Me?

My Dear, My Darling
An arch of gold, and the glory of a Master's music
set against the azure, which falleth
into the multi-hued purple of eventide
when I love alone, and especially when I love thee, My Darling,
and kiss, kiss thee-embracing thee, my wife who is light
to my mind and eyes-and there in the azure-purple moment,
embracing thee, I find comfort in thine embrace from my sorrow:
for the world around me, and the raging people-they are as sheep,
untended and without a shepherd: and they refuse mercy and tending.
O Beloved Wife, My Dear: through thee and thy kisses and thine embrace
and the ecstasy of thy loving, exploding into a million
tiny island-universes within my body, heart and soul,
and thou creating God's heavenly infinity within me,
Kissed and complete; through these tendernesses,
the Lord God gives me His injection of Love and Peace-and so My Darling,
My Dear, when my weeping subsides to natural breath, and thou wipest away
the tear-stains from my face: My Darling, will you pray with me
for the sheep, untended and bedraggeled-that someone may comb
all the wool and tend their wounds which I could not, nor knew not how? Selah.

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John Stephen Reynolds

John Stephen Reynolds

Dallas, Texas, USA
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