My Childhood Friend: The Memorable Guava Tree...! Poem by Vidya Pandarinath

My Childhood Friend: The Memorable Guava Tree...!

Childhood memories are memorable to Me
Even now sitting at my desk, gazing into lovely Pictures
Smiling at all the funny Adventures
Most treasured, playing with friends and with the ecstatic Guava

It was the big guava tree in my grand-mother'shouse, beautiful garden it was Such,
In the backyard, there were many greenery..yet my favourite play area was near guava tree, circling around It.
Spending much of joyous moments under, its shade to Sit
Certainly the guava tree is my best friend, I miss it so Much.

Embracing it..a feeling of freedom, forgot my school schedule..sing, dance and Play
Swaying to the song of nightingale....slowly... Slowly
Watching the butterflies, dragonflies on leaf Closely
Trying to hold its wings.., it was just quick and fly Away;

Climbing from trunk to the uppermost branches with Tact
Standing on top, my favourite spot just to see, already at top most
are the parrots eating Guava
Holding firmly the bough, carving my name on it, ha.. my childhood Saga
Later realizing of hurting it, felt sorry for the thoughtless Act

Swinging on its branches, breathed the breezy spring Air
Relaxing and enjoying the top view of the surroundings..oh.. fascinating, Breathtaking
Plucking the pretty white floret from twig, smelling and Making
Circlet of white guava flowers, delicate floral crown for my Hair..!

Unforgettable is the smell and taste of fresh fruit, certainly rare Kind
Plucking directly from branches of the guava Tree
Sometimes unripe.., at times ripen look-over, right away pulling them as soon as I See
Everlasting flavour leaves eternal fond memories in my Mind.

Silently listening to my chattering serenely There
Cherishing each moment spend with my noble friend, natural bond it was Such
The marvelous guava friend that give me so Much
But never expected anything in return.., only generous love and Care..!

Monday, January 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: affection,care,childhood ,divinity,dream,eternity,flowers,friend,friendship,fruit
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